
    With the aim of reducing the environmental impact of our fair and hosting a more sustainable event, Alimentaria FoodTech carries out actions to promote greater collective awareness. We are aware of the need to implement sustainable measures to combat climate change, with the intention of setting an example for our sector.

    This is a project that contributes to implementing various measures related to sustainability in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs set an agenda of targets for 2030, aiming to eradicate poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. At Alimentaria FoodTech, we aim to make a significant impact on the following SDGs:
    SDG Good Health and well-being
    SDG Clean water and sanitation
    SDG industry, innovation and infrastructure
    SDG responsible consummption and production
    SDG climate action
    SDG partnerships for the goals

    Consult the Sustainable Participation Guide and find all the information you need to make your visit to Alimentaria FoodTech sustainable and environmentally friendly.


    REPKIT FH -30 ®

    DF REPKIT FH -30® allows for the repair of sanitary floors at negative temperatures (down to -30°C) and supports heavy traffic after 60 minutes (-15°C). This floor repair mortar is specially formulated for the food industry, enabling sustainable maintenance in cold storage rooms and freezing tunnels.
    No Downtime: DF REPKIT FH -30® prevents cold storage rooms from being shut down for floor repairs. This saves the energy cost of reactivating the chamber, avoids the shutdown of the chamber for more than a month, and prevents damage to the chamber structure due to thermal stress.

    Preventive Repairs: DF REPKIT FH -30® allows repairs when the damage is still small, preventing it from growing into a larger repair. It is suitable for heavy traffic 60 minutes (-15°C) after application, allowing continuous repairs without affecting operations.

    Durable Repairs: DF REPKIT FH -30® has B2 adhesion on most substrates, including wet concrete (10%) or metal. Its high mechanical resistance and chemical spill resistance result in very durable repairs, even in the most demanding environments.

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    Washing wáter recovery system

    A rotary system has been developed to facilitate the drainage of water that accumulates at the base of plastic containers.

    A Spanish client from the meat sector, specialized in cooked products, contacted us to reduce water consumption in their current washer, which used 60 liters per cycle, reaching 12 m³ per day.

    The base of plastic containers is not always smooth and often has cavities that can accumulate 50 liters of water. Additionally, some sides can accumulate up to 20 liters of water.

    Traditional systems wash containers upside down, but this causes the loss of accumulated water with each cycle. With the rotary system, the container is fully drained, saving up to 80% of water and detergent, reducing water consumption to 50 liters per cycle, and decreasing daily consumption to 10 m³ of water and 5 liters of chemical product.

    Thanks to the rotary washing system, the container can be drained on all its sides, so the water is collected in the appropriate phase before starting the next phase, which is more efficient because it doesn’t encounter water accumulation from previous cycles.

    Once the theory is explained and applied to practice, this system has allowed our client to reduce water and chemical product consumption by more than 80%. Water consumption has been reduced to 50L per cycle, which means a daily consumption reduction, from 12 to 10m³ of water, as well as 5L of chemical product.


    Wesdurlan develops a sustainable industrial pavement

    Wesdurlan has created TanniumⓇ, an industrial flooring system that prioritizes environmental sustainability in production, application, and final disposal. This monolithic system is ideal for demanding industrial and sanitary environments, free of migrations, solvents, sulfates, and bisphenols. Its production does not use water and has low energy costs. Additionally, TanniumⓇ is made from 100% recyclable PMMA.

    TanniumⓇ is a monolithic flooring system designed for the most demanding industrial and sanitary environments, with the goal of respecting the environment and the health of applicators and end-users thanks to its being free of migrations, solvents, sulfates, and bisphenols. Furthermore, its production is done without water consumption and with low energy costs, resulting in a material made of 100% recyclable PMMA.


    Biogas treatment by PVR Vacuum pumps for more sustainability

    PVR Srl, an Italian company specialized in manufacturing pumps and vacuum systems since 1964, has recently set the challenge to find new applications for its products with a focus on sustainability and energy savings.

    PVR’s objective since 2022 has been to supply oil-lubricated rotary vane vacuum pumps and Roots vacuum pumps, both with Atex certification, to an Italian company specialized in biogas treatment. The technologies used at the company’s plants are PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption), used to separate gaseous species from a mixture of pressurized gases, and molecular sieves.

    The success of the project was the massive use of vacuum at the company’s plants for different biogas compositions: landfills, agricultural plants, wastewater treatment, and purifiers. The advantages of the project were many: no need for heat sources, greater tolerance to biogas impurities, low cost and consumption of the adsorbent material, constantly performed in a high vacuum cycle.

    This project ended successfully because PVR managed to supply over ten large vacuum pumps to the German plants, and we are confident that this will be the first case of a new and continuously expanding market sector.


    Laser Marking of Fruits and Foods

    At X-trong Laser Technologies, we present an innovative way to directly label fruits and various foods using high-speed laser marking technology. This replaces the use of printed labels and adhesives that may peel off during transport or handling of the product and which also contaminate the environment. Laser marking is permanent, non-contaminating, and only affects the surface of the fruit’s skin, so the food is not damaged. The marking equipment is small, clean, silent, energy-efficient, has no consumables, requires minimal maintenance, and is easy to use and maintain. It adapts to all sizes and shapes of foods. With the intuitive software, it is easy to change the information to be marked: origin, brand, production date, expiration date, contact, QR codes, anything desired. It can be marked statically, piece by piece, or on the fly if the laser is placed on the production line, so there are no stoppages in the process. An artificial vision system can also be incorporated to recognize the position of each food, ensuring the marking is always perfect. This marking process eliminates the use of adhesives, inks, and paper used in standard labeling, elements that can contaminate food and the environment as they often peel off before reaching the consumer.

    Alimentos Sanygran.S.L logo

    Food Production with Beer Spent Grain

    Alimentos Sanygran, together with Mahou San Miguel, has developed a series of products made with high-moisture extrusion technology, where beer spent grain has been used in the production process, thus making use of a by-product generated by the brewing industry, promoting the circular economy and the reuse of ingredients that would otherwise be discarded. This has led to the development of different unique products so far in the food industry, specifically in the plant-based sector.

    Upcycling of Cacao Fruit

    Traditionally, 70% of cacao fruit is discarded after the beans are harvested for cocoa production. As global experts in cacao fruit, at Cabosse Naturals, we have been able to open an entirely new category of food and beverages by valorizing this 70% that would otherwise be wasted in our range of recycled cacao fruit ingredients.

    This is why we can offer our customers the benefits of cacao fruit ingredients: delicious, healthy, and good for the planet and its inhabitants. Thanks to this upcycling, we can reduce the carbon footprint of cocoa processing, increase the income of over 400 farmers by more than 10%, and create over 20 jobs in the country of origin.



    Los Premios FoodTech Innova y Emprende, galardones que incentivan y reconocen la investigación y el dinamismo empresarial, introducen en esta edición, una categoría que premia la sostenibilidad.

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    Sostenibilidad y economía circular
    Impacto en sostenibilidad y/o economía circular

    Proyectos que mejoren las prácticas y aplicabilidad de procesos sostenibles y/o de gestión de recursos de producción, así como proyectos que innovan en la creación o uso de materiales más sostenibles.


    Zero Waste es una iniciativa que tiene como objetivo generar menos residuos durante los eventos y su reciclaje. Entre las acciones que se desarrollan en este ámbito, destacamos:

    Instalación de islas de reciclaje para la separación y recogida selectiva de residuos en 3 fracciones

    Facturación 100% digital

    Portapases de cartón reciclable

    Recolección de entradas, lanyards y portapases a la salida del recinto para su reciclaje y/o reutilización

    Impresión de todos los soportes en papel reciclado con el sello FSC

    Eliminación de las botellas de plástico de un solo uso de los restaurantes del salón


    Viajamos de forma más ecológica

    Siempre que sea posible, nuestros ponentes y hosted buyers viajarán en tren en vez de en avión para reducir el impacto medioambiental y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de dichos trayectos.

    Descuento en transporte público

    Para reducir la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero e incentivar el uso del transporte público en los desplazamientos por la ciudad, se ofrece un 10 % de descuento en la compra de Hola Barcelona Travel Card.