  • Track: SmartAgro

    Fri 29
    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Technology platform Food For Life-Spain

    Juan Martínez Gironella
    Juan Martínez Gironella FIAB/FOOD FOR LIFE-SPAIN Technical Secretary of the Food for Life-Spain Platform and FIAB R+D+i Technician

    29-09-2023 14:00 29-09-2023 14:45 Europe/Madrid Technology platform Food For Life-Spain

    Food for Life-Spain Technological Platform (hereinafter, PTF4LS) is the promotion of the transmission of research, scientific and technological advances through public-private collaboration of the main agri-food sector agents in relation to R+D+ i and the detection of new demands in the field of Society Challenges, ensuring the competitiveness and growth of the Spanish agri-food sector. All this, in a prosaic way, will be reflected in agri-food R+D+i projects.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner
    14:00h - 14:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free