  • Nathalie Gnanou Bess

    Researcher of the Salmonella unit and Listeria, ANSES & Project Manager for the review and validation of Listeria standards. | ANSES, Maisons-Alfort
    Nathalie Gnanou Bess


    With a Bachelor's degree in Veterinary Medicine and a Ph.D. in Food Microbiology, she serves as a scientific researcher at the Food Safety Laboratory of ANSES in France.


    Barcelona Biofilm Summit

    Título pendienteRegulatory update on the improvement of (pre-) enrichment in ISO 11290 and rapid methods

    Nathalie Gnanou Bess
    Nathalie Gnanou Bess ANSES, Maisons-Alfort Researcher of the Salmonella unit and Listeria, ANSES & Project Manager for the review and validation of Listeria standards.

    Wed 27 12:15h - 12:45h Room 1.1-CC1 Get your ticket