  • Manuel Pérez-Ruiz

    Director of the Corteva Chair in Digital Agriculture and Sustainability and Director of the Master's Degree in Digital Agriculture and Agri-Food Innovation | Universidad de Sevilla
    Manuel Pérez-Ruiz


    Professor at the University of Seville, where he plays a fundamental role at the forefront of research in digital agriculture and sustainability. He currently directs the Chair in Digital Agriculture and Sustainability.


    Round table | Foodtech Innovarena

    Smart Agro and AI: the influence on the agri-food chain

    Eduardo Martínez Ubago
    Eduardo Martínez Ubago John Deere Ibérica Managing Director
    Manuel Pérez-Ruiz
    Manuel Pérez-Ruiz Universidad de Sevilla Director of the Corteva Chair in Digital Agriculture and Sustainability and Director of the Master's Degree in Digital Agriculture and Agri-Food Innovation
    Joaquín Terés
    Joaquín Terés Grupo Vall Companys Industrial Systems Director

    Thu 28 11:00h - 11:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free