  • Juan Sebastián Ochoa

    Technical coordinator of R&D&I projects | SATEC
    Juan Sebastián Ochoa


    Doctor in Computer Science and Technology for Smart Cities (UPM), Master in Computer Science and Technology (UPM), Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering (UPSE).


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    AI to reduce carbon footprint in the wine sector

    Felicidad de Herralde Travería
    Felicidad de Herralde Travería IRTA Researcher
    Julia Delgado Rodriguez
    Julia Delgado Rodriguez Federación Española del Vino Deputy Environment Department
    Elisa García García
    Elisa García García Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Researcher
    Cristina Escriche Martínez
    Cristina Escriche Martínez Intergia Energía Sostenible, SL R+D+i engineer
    Miguel Ángel Lopez Peña
    Miguel Ángel Lopez Peña SATEC - Sistemas Avanzados de Tecnología S.A. Research, Development and Innovation Manager
    Juan Sebastián Ochoa
    Juan Sebastián Ochoa SATEC Technical coordinator of R&D&I projects

    Tue 26 16:00h - 17:00h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free