  • Fernando Moner

    President | Confederación Española de Consumidores y Usuarios/AVACU
    Fernando Moner


    President of AVACU, president of the Confederation of Consumers and Users (2008-2022). Counselor Economic and Social Council of Spain. Counselor Council of Consumers and Users of Spain. Advisory of the RTVE Group. Commerce 4.0 Observatory Council (Ministry of Industry and Commerce).


    Round table | Foodtech Innovarena

    ULTRAPROCESSED FOODS: Confusing for the citizen (Organized by Triptolemos Foundation)

    Abel Mariné
    Abel Mariné Barcelona University Emeritus Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology. Food Campus
    Fernando Moner
    Fernando Moner Confederación Española de Consumidores y Usuarios/AVACU President
    Olga Martín
    Olga Martín University of Lleida University professor. Department of Technology, Engineering and Food Science
    Yvonne Colomer
    Yvonne Colomer Triptolemos Foundation Executive Director Moderator
    Carlota Martínez
    Carlota Martínez FIAB Responsible for Food Policy, Nutrition and Health

    Wed 27 12:00h - 12:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free