  • Belén García

    director | PACKNET
    Belén García


    Round table | Foodtech Innovarena

    Packaging as a key element of food safety: regulations, trends and current keys

    Belén García
    Belén García PACKNET director Moderator
    Cinta Bosch
    Cinta Bosch AECOC Sustainability manager
    Carmen Sánchez
    Carmen Sánchez ITENE Technical Director
    Fernando Garcia Madrigal
    Fernando Garcia Madrigal DASSAULT SYSTÈMES Sales Director Spain and Portugal
    Josu García Urien
    Josu García Urien ULMA PACKAGING Product Manager and Sustainability Manager
    Isabel Costa Garrell
    Isabel Costa Garrell CASA SANTIVERI Packaging manager

    Wed 27 11:00h - 11:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free
    Round table | Foodtech Innovarena

    Prevention of food waste: opportunities for technological innovation in packaging

    Belén García
    Belén García PACKNET director Moderator
    Carmina Castellà
    Carmina Castellà AMEC Director
    Carles Lapeña
    Carles Lapeña GRUPALIA 4.0 Commercial and Marketing Director
    Encarna Gómez Moreno
    Encarna Gómez Moreno AINIA Head of Product and Process Technologies Department
    Nacho Cusí Pujol
    Nacho Cusí Pujol Asociación Graphispack Managing Director
    Maria Segura
    Maria Segura ACES Responsible for Food Safety and Environment
    Inés Alonso Zapirain
    Inés Alonso Zapirain Tecnalia Research & Innovation Market development manager in Circularity area

    Thu 28 12:00h - 13:00h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free