  • Anna Gras

    Director of CER AGROTECH | UPC
    Anna Gras


    Dr. Agònoma Engineer from the University of Lleida, specialist in biosystems engineering, she is currently director of the CER Agrotech of the UPC and President of the X_AgriTech.


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    X_AgriTech: The Catalan network of innovation in agricultural and livestock sustainability

    Olga Martín
    Olga Martín University of Lleida University professor. Department of Technology, Engineering and Food Science
    Simó Alegre Castellví
    Simó Alegre Castellví IRTA Director of Research Development and Innovation
    Agustí Fonts
    Agustí Fonts IRTA Head of the Valuation Office
    M.Carme Verdaguer
    M.Carme Verdaguer UB - Fundació Bosch i Gimpera Strategic Projects Director at Fundació Bosch i Gimpera
    Anna Gras
    Anna Gras UPC Director of CER AGROTECH

    Tue 26 10:30h - 11:00h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free
    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Support needed to launch a university startup

    Anna Gras
    Anna Gras UPC Director of CER AGROTECH
    Francesc Tarrés
    Francesc Tarrés Ugiat Technologies Co-founder and CEO

    Tue 26 12:45h - 13:30h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free