  • Simó Alegre Castellví

    Director of Research Development and Innovation | IRTA
    Simó Alegre Castellví


    Doctor of Agricultural Engineering from the University of Lleida, specialist in fruit growing, currently Director of Research and Innovation Development at IRTA.


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Foodtech: the great revolution of the food industry.

    Beatriz Romanos
    Beatriz Romanos Founder of TechFood magazine
    Eduardo Cotillas
    Eduardo Cotillas FIAB and Food For Life Spain FIAB R&D Director and General Secretary of the Food For Life Spain PT4FLS Technological Platform
    Simó Alegre Castellví
    Simó Alegre Castellví IRTA Director of Research Development and Innovation

    27-09-2023 10:30 27-09-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Foodtech: the great revolution of the food industry.

    The food industry is undergoing a profound transformation linked to the application of the most advanced technologies and bio-sciences. A revolution that opens up a world of possibilities in new products, services, processes or business models. How to approach the Foodtech phenomenon? What are the opportunities for industry and research?

    We will discuss these issues with Beatriz Romanos, author of the book that inspires this session, along with Eduardo Cotillas and Simó Alegre, Director of Research and Innovation at IRTA.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner
    Wed 27 10:30h - 10:50h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free
    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    X_AgriTech: The Catalan network of innovation in agricultural and livestock sustainability

    Olga Martín
    Olga Martín University of Lleida University professor. Department of Technology, Engineering and Food Science
    Simó Alegre Castellví
    Simó Alegre Castellví IRTA Director of Research Development and Innovation
    Agustí Fonts
    Agustí Fonts IRTA Head of the Valuation Office
    M.Carme Verdaguer
    M.Carme Verdaguer UB - Fundació Bosch i Gimpera Strategic Projects Director at Fundació Bosch i Gimpera
    Anna Gras
    Anna Gras UPC Director of CER AGROTECH

    26-09-2023 10:30 26-09-2023 11:00 Europe/Madrid X_AgriTech: The Catalan network of innovation in agricultural and livestock sustainability

    X_Agritech, the first Catalan innovation network in sustainability and livestock, unites the efforts of 8 RDI institutions and 305 researchers working to promote the transfer of the results of their revolt. Representatives of a good part of the entities in the network intervene to present the opportunity, the benefits it offers, its structure, the objectives pursued, and its growth prospects.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner
    Tue 26 10:30h - 11:00h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free