  • Jordi Serentill

    CEO | Laumont
    Jordi Serentill


    Industrial Engineer (UPC) and MBA (EAE Business School) he is CEO of Laumont, one of the leading international companies in the truffle and mushroom sector. At the head of the company during the last decade of growth, he has opted for the professionalization of the business structure and innovation.


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Winning Food Startups

    Alicia Güell Blasi
    Alicia Güell Blasi Maresmar DG
    Salvador Ramon
    Salvador Ramon FRIME SAU President
    Pablo Múgica Narvaiza
    Pablo Múgica Narvaiza FRIME SAU General Manager
    Jordi Serentill
    Jordi Serentill Laumont CEO
    Pablo Vilanova Montagut
    Pablo Vilanova Montagut Sustainability, Strategy and Innovation Director

    Fri 29 12:00h - 12:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free