  • Jordi Buixeda

    Technical director | Boadas 1880, S.A.
    Jordi Buixeda


    Almost 30 years of experience in managing the quality and R&D&I team at Boadas 1880, a company that produces, slices and packages raw and cured meat products.


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Savings in drying sausages

    Pere Gou
    Pere Gou IRTA Investigator
    Jordi Buixeda
    Jordi Buixeda Boadas 1880, S.A. Technical director

    27-09-2023 16:00 27-09-2023 16:45 Europe/Madrid Savings in drying sausages

    The drying process of raw and cured/fermented meat products is expensive in terms of time and energy consumption, and there is a risk of product spoilage if the process is not carried out correctly. This case exposes, in a dialogue with the company Boadas 1880, the impact of regulation on the energy cost of the drying process and innovations on the matter.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner
    Wed 27 16:00h - 16:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free