  • Enric Pedrós

    Cluster Manger | FEMAC
    Enric Pedrós


    Graduated in environmental sciences (UDL) with an MBA (UB) and degrees added to ÑU and IESE, since 1998 he has been working to promote innovation and internationalization of the Cluster of Agricultural Machinery and Means of Production (FEMAC).


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Climate projections for efficient water use

    Enric Pedrós
    Enric Pedrós FEMAC Cluster Manger
    Jorge Calvín
    Jorge Calvín Lobelia Earth Commercial director

    26-09-2023 18:00 26-09-2023 18:45 Europe/Madrid Climate projections for efficient water use

    The person responsible for the implementation of the Strategic Plan and digital and sustainable transformation of the FEMAC sector, talks with Lobelia Earth, a leading company in satellite technology and climate science that applies technological solutions to the Drought Observatory and in climate projection projects for the agricultural sector. and rancher.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner
    Tue 26 18:00h - 18:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free