  • Beatriz Romanos

    Founder of TechFood magazine
    Beatriz Romanos


    Beatriz Romanos is a consultant and disseminator specialized in foodtech; Venture Partner Peakbridge VC; author of the book "Foodtech: the great revolution of the food industry" and founder of TechFood Magazine.


    Round table | Foodtech Innovarena

    Optimize and scale in a convulsive demand environment

    Beatriz Romanos
    Beatriz Romanos Founder of TechFood magazine
    María Cuairán Calvo
    María Cuairán Calvo Alimentos Sanygran Marketing Director
    Xavier Mallol González
    Xavier Mallol González Delectatech CEO & cofounder
    Adrià Quintana
    Adrià Quintana FACTIC CEO

    Tue 26 16:00h - 16:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free
    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Foodtech: the great revolution of the food industry.

    Beatriz Romanos
    Beatriz Romanos Founder of TechFood magazine
    Eduardo Cotillas
    Eduardo Cotillas FIAB and Food For Life Spain FIAB R&D Director and General Secretary of the Food For Life Spain PT4FLS Technological Platform
    Simó Alegre Castellví
    Simó Alegre Castellví IRTA Director of Research Development and Innovation

    Wed 27 10:30h - 10:50h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free